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Basement Waterproofing

Basement waterproofing is the utmost important step in the construction of any structure which is build at ground level or below ground level. It refers to those techniques which arrest water to enter into the basement of a house. When waterproofing involves both drainage and sealers then it is the most effective waterproofing.

Some geographical regions have raised water table and therefore waterproofing is must in these types of regions. There are major possibilities of foundation damage due to hydrostatic pressure. This leads to further seepage of water inside the basement. One can easily prevent this problem with the help of following measures:

  • Interior wall and floor sealers
  • Interior water drainage and
  • Exterior drainage combined with waterproofing coatings.
  • The above techniques must be incorporated in a basement by the contractors during the construction of house.

Waterproofing coating

How much does it cost for basement waterproofing? Basement Waterproofing normally costs $250.

Find out where the water is coming from. Aluminum foil is not only to wrap your Tiffin but it is also a great help in finding out the source of water. There can be two types of reasons for basement moisture that are condensation and seepage. Tape a 12” aluminum foil to the damp basement wall. Seal it tightly and check it after few days. Check the foil from inside and outside. If the inside is wet that means moisture is due to the seepage problem and if the outside then condensation is the main reason for this problem.

Basement Waterproofing

Water damage due to lack of waterproofing

Solutions to above problems
To remove condensation, improve ventilation system of your basement. Dampness is caused by the extremes of temperature. So, reducing these extremes in temperature can easily solve the problem. During wet weather do not forget to close all the basement windows. Repair all the damaged water pipes. Keep good quality dehumidifier to get rid of dampness and atmospheric humidity.

Avoid any type of plantation surrounding your basement foundation. This leads to blockage of ventilation and cracks in the foundation.

Check whether the water is settling there in the window wells. There should be no window wells. Install window well covers to get rid of seepage problem. Routinely clean all the gutters and downspouts of your house. The mess in the gutters and downspouts leads to the accumulation of water and thus causes moisture and dampness in the basement. Install downspouts and gutters at the distance of 10 feet from the ground.

Sloping should not be directed towards the house. Sloping should always be directed away from the house.

  • Crack injections to fix a soaked basement problem.
  • There are two types available: Epoxy injections and polyurethane injections.

Polyurethane Injection

Polyurethane does not add any structural strength but creates a barrier that water can not pass through. Epoxy injections do not let water to seep through the crevices. Epoxy Injections provides strength to the foundation.

Basement Waterproofing Epoxy Injection

Check the grading outside your house. They can also lead to adverse conditions like wet basements. The grading should be done properly so that it directs the water to flow away from the house.

These are the few of several basement waterproofing methods. To save both your basement and entire home from the disaster of moisture and leakage incorporate waterproofing during construction. Basement waterproofing must be ensured by the licensed contractors and engineers.

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